Unconscious Bias

This virtual session includes:Guy's & St.Thomas's Hospital CLRN London South

  • To learn about your role and responsibility in creating a fairer organisation
  • To learn about how we can support each other
  • Learn about diversity in its broadest context – through leadership, communication
  • Your role in creating a safe organisation to speak up safely about diversity issues


Dates: Please visit College of Healthcare Learning Hub for future dates 

Venue: Virtual

Please note this event is designed by Medical Education primarily for Junior Doctors, but we welcome all staff if they feel it will be beneficial to their role.

For more information on any of our courses please contact the School of Improvement team on 0207 188 6684 or email [email protected]

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note this workshop is free for Guy’s and St Thomas’ staff only. External candidates, please contact School of Improvement team.

“A strong sense of organisational values, embedded throughout the organisation, can provide the foundations for clinical workers engagement; With trusts coming under growing pressure, engaging all healthcare workers in decision-making and innovation will become increasingly important. Even with good clinical practice we can always look at how we can do things better.”


Ian Abbs
Medical Director

Medical Education