Teaching Medical Students at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
As an employee at GSTT you have the opportunity to become part of our extensive bank of undergradaute teaching faculty. With students passing through a variety of departments such as Women’s Services, Rheumatology and Dermatology, there are opportunities for staff in most departments and from multidisciplinary teams to get involved.
The Trust has assigned Undergradaute Leads for each department which has significant undergraduate activity and also assigned block leads who link in with the medical school who manage the consistence and delivery of medical education.
For each stage on clinical placement at Guy’s and St Thomas’ we provide timetabled lectures and tutorials for which we recruit faculty to support . In addition we run several programmes for each block: formative OSCE sessions, dedicated clinical skills teaching sessions for Year 2 and Year 3 students, Suturing and Moulage workshops for Year 4 students, and simulation training for Year 2 and Year 5 students.
Other roles with in undergraduate medical education include Educational Supervision, Clinical Supervision, Quality Improvement Supervisors and Scholarly Project Supervisors.