Quality Assurance Framework
The quality assurance (QA) framework for the South London Simulation Network (SLSN) has been developed by a team within the SaIL Centre for use by all simulation centres within the SLSN. The QA project formed part of the 2014/2015 ‘Improving Patient Safety through Simulation and a Quality Assurance Cascade System’ Health Education South London (HESL) bid.
The framework is intended as a quality assurance process to enable us to learn from best simulation practices including course delivery, course design and operational and governance processes.
It is designed to support the development of the SLSN and is a peer led review process which is voluntary on the part of both the centres and peer reviewers
See the SLSN Quality Assurance Framework
- Annual Peer Reviewer Observation Form – Appendix B
- Annual Peer Review Summary Report Form – Appendix C
- Biennial Quality Assurance and Governance Review Form – Appendix D
- Day to Day Quality Assurance Course Debrief Form – Appendix E
Becoming a Peer Reviewer
The following guides answer these frequently asked questions:
- What is the quality assurance project for the SLSN?
- How has the quality assurance process been developed?
- What were the results of the literature review on quality assurance and simulation?
- What is the QA Tool?
- How do I complete the QA Tool?
- What is the Quality Improvement Summary Report?
- What happens to the QA Tool and Summary Report once sent to the course lead?
- How can I go about being a peer reviewer?
- What are the benefits of being a peer reviewer?
- What is expected of me as a peer reviewer?
- Are there any potential pitfalls to be aware of?
- What happens if I have any major causes for concern after observing a course?
Please also see the example documents below of hypothetical peer review visits and their completed QA forms. This gives an idea of how the forms should be completed.
Consult our FAQs and Peer Reviewer Training Presentation
Example documents: