Stage 2 students GSTT learning resources

Teaching skills is more than just showing and practicing, it requires context related to evidenced-based practice. Pre and post-learning materials help frame your thinking, remind you of key points and link the skills you’ve learned with the theory.  This link contains the pre/post session materials to accompany your learning and application of the skills session for the following blocks and year groups:

The remaining blocks in these years within stage 2 have handbooks that accompany the learning for the course, for example human development for year 2 and CMS for year 3.  As we continue to evolve the UGME program we hope to improve our digital learning platforms, this is just the first step based on your feedback to provide you accessible and relatable material to improve the skills program.  Please review the pre-session material before you attend your clinical skills session related to your block and use the post-session materials soon after attending the session and also to help revise as needed.  Continue to use the QR code in reference to these materials.

Medical Education